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WineSellar Club

This may be considered our “Entry Level” WineSellar Club. It is specifically designed for those who are looking to know more about various wines from around the world. What grapes are in them? What is in the fragrance? What’s the texture like? What are the flavors I am experiencing? What do I serve this wine with?

$40.00 per month plus shipping and sales tax where applicable.

Two Rouge

The Two-Rouge Club is designed specifically for those who enjoy red wine much more so than white wine. Two red wines are selected to give you a complete canvas of red wines from around the world. While all three WineSellar Clubs provide excellent value, the Two-Rouge Club members last year enjoyed not only great selections, but at 20%+ discount from the suggested retail prices.

$50-$60 per month plus shipping and sales tax where applicable.

Gary Parker

Named after Founder of The WineSellar & Brasserie, The Gary Parker Collection comprises of one or two bottles of very special wine that Gary deems worthy of going into his personal wine collection. Generally you see two red wines, but sometimes Gary will chose one special bottle of red, but it could also be a Port, Champagne, and he has even been known to put a white wine in his cellar for ageing.

Prices Range for $80-$105 per month, but the yearly average is closer to $85 a month

Sparkling Champagne Club

The Sparkling Champagne Club is a bi-monthly club offering anywhere between 1-3 botttles every other month. It will be $70/month on average!


Gift a Club!

Give the wine lover’s gift that keeps on giving, with a Gift Wine Club Membership! You can choose the term for the gift shipment, and pay for the gift club shipment.  Every time we issue a wine club shipment, your guest will receive one.

9550 Waples Street, Suite 115
San Diego, California, 92121

(858) 450-9557

Follow us on Instagram @winesellar or @thewinesellarclubs for upcoming tastings, wine dinner info, or just fun memes!

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